Critical Communication Skills

DCo will design a bespoke Communication Skills Programme to suit your requirements.

The following critical skills are often requested to improve communication skills and performance:

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills

The ability to deliver presentations is essential within a business as it represents a powerful opportunity to inform, motivate and change perspectives.

Candid Feedback Programme Training

Holding Difficult

Managers and team leaders often have to hold difficult conversations, deliver hard messages and provide honest and candid feedback if they are to effectively communicate with, motivate, measure and support their teams.

Coaching Skills Training Development

Negotiating With/Without Authority

Develop and refine your negotiation skills in an interactive and supportive learning environment, implementing proven techniques for avoiding common pitfalls and agreeing the best possible deal which results in a win:win situation for all negotiating parties.

Being Appropriately Assertive

Being Appropriately Assertive

Being appropriately assertive in the workplace is an aspect of communciation that many can struggle with. However, assertive behaviour can improve communication within the office, promoting candour and openness.

Influencing Skills

Influencing Skills

An individual’s ability to influence and persuade without being dogmatic or aggressive is fundamental to creating and maintaining a high performance culture.

Effective Business Communications

Effective Business Communication

Effective business communication is vital within companies of all sizes in almost all aspects of daily business life. How people talk, listen or communicate themselves in other ways could be having a negative impact on negotiations, job performance or sales. Ineffective communication can thwart attempts to generate potential leads, profits or sales, which could have a detrimental effect on your business.

Communicating Across Cultures

Communicate Across Cultures

Communicating effectively in culturally diverse situations is fundamental to conducting business. But what does adapting your style of communication mean in practical terms?

Perfecting Your Email Etiquette Training

Perfecting Your Email Etiquette

Many of us spend a considerable amount of time sending and receiving emails each working day, utilising emails to maintain contact when working or travelling with colleagues, employers and business contacts around the world around the clock. However, do we know what impression of ourselves we are creating when we communicate in this way?

Critical Communication Skills DCo

Communicating with Impact

When you end a meeting or a conversation, do you leave the impression you intended?

Within your role, regardless of your level within the company, the ability to make a solid first impression, present your ideas in an engaging way and build relationships with key individuals is vital.