Emotional Intelligence Programmes

Improving awareness of Emotional Intelligence enables people to work smarter and perform better.  DCo design bespoke programmes that increase this vital skill.


The following approaches are often requested to improve emotional intelligence levels and increase performance:

EQ For Leadership DCo

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training

Having leaders and managers who understand and demonstrate emotional intelligence provides significant value to an organisation. We are often asked to develop leadership or management programmes that include a focus on improving the emotional intelligence of individuals and teams.


We specialise in addressing how emotional intelligence plays a part in how individuals lead themselves, lead others and lead the organisation. Programmes increase self awareness of emotional intelligence levels, increase ability to build effective relationships and make strategic decisions.

The organisational benefits include having managers and leaders with the right attitude for successful and emotional intelligent leadership and a greater understanding of its importance in the work place.

EQ Coaching DCo

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

One-to-one coaching sessions are a powerful way to build personal and professional skills.  DCo combine emotional intelligence development with coaching interventions when the development required is inline with the benefits that are needed.


Coaching for improved emotional intelligence includes a psychometric assessment of current emotional intelligence levels and the support of our experienced Leadership Coach – Mike Hopkins.


A one-to-one coaching session will help individuals to understand their EQi Report and develop their Emotional Intelligence in the areas that will make the most difference to their performance.  Coaching supports the person with the issues and challenges that are relevant to their role and profile.


The use of one-to-one EQ coaching can support individuals in a number of ways including how they effectively empower others, manage stress and challenge, create stakeholder engagement or are able to move from demonstrating management to applying strategic leadership in their role.

One-to-one coaching is an excellent method for achieving improved emotional intelligence in your managers and leaders.

Organisational Development

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

DCo provide the BarOn EQ-i 2.0® psychometric assessment as a measure of Emotional Intelligence.


Based on over 20 years of research by Dr. Reuven Bar-On and tested on over 110,000 individuals worldwide, BarOn EQ-i® is considered to be a valid and reliable measure of emotional intelligence.  It is useful as a unlike intelligence (IQ) levels it can be developed and refined to increase effectiveness and performance within job roles.


The Bar-On concept of Emotional Intelligence describes emotional-social intelligence as interrelated competencies, skills and behaviours that affect and impact a person’s intelligent behaviour.

EQi assessment is provided as an on-line testing process which consists of 133 items and includes four validity indices and a sophisticated correction factor that provides ratings in the following components:

  • Intrapersonal (Self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization)
  • Interpersonal (Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship)
  • Stress Management (Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control)
  • Adaptability (Reality Testing, Flexibility, and Problem Solving)
  • General Mood Scale (Optimism and Happiness)

In addition to the individual measurement of EQ,  DCo also provide the Bar-On EQ-360™ option.  The 360 assessment is a multi-rater version of the EQ-i™ that comprises 88 items uses a 5 scale response format.

All psychometric assessment of EQi levels is supported by one-to-one feedback or coaching sessions with one of our specialist EQ consultants.