Types of Psychometric Tests

DCo provide a range of psychometric testing options to meet different recruitment, selection and development needs.


The following are categories of the different types of psychometric testing options available:

Personality Tests DCo

Personality Tests

Most organisations recognise that personality plays a significant part in an individual’s success at work.  In recruitment processes some of these tests can determine how well a person is going to fit in with your organisation in terms of their personality, attitude and general work style.  They can also be used to support individuals during a professional development process and are often used as part of a coaching intervention.


Personality tests typically measure traits related to behaviour at work, interpersonal interactions, and satisfaction with different aspects of work.  Some personality tests are used to assess whether individuals have the potential to be successful in jobs others are useful for personal development.


Psychometric testing options available for personality assessment include:


    • EQ-i 2.0® – BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: The EQ-i 2.0 is a measure of emotional intelligence. It is the most popular emotional intelligence assessment and measures a person’s ability to deal with daily environmental demands and pressures, and helps predict success in both professional and personal pursuits. We also provide the EQ 360 assessment which provides a more in-depth analysis by having those who work closely with an individual provide information as well.   See our 360 Feedback page for more information on this option.


    • DiSC® – Personal Profile System: The Personal Profile System is designed to help individuals understand their own behavioural characteristics more clearly, as well as the behaviour of others. The Management Report provides an overview of a person’s general characteristics, how they build relationships and specific management recommendations.


    • MBTI® – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: The MBTI instrument identifies personality type made up of 4 basic preferences and provides a framework that can be applied to all areas of human interaction and personal development. It is a leading tool in supporting personal growth and development to achieve enhanced personal effectiveness.


  • HPI®– Hogan Personality Inventory: The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) commonly known as the ‘Bright Side’ is the first of a distinctive new generation of personality questionnaires shaped by job performance research. It is the first normal range personality questionnaire based on the five-factor model of personality designed specifically for occupational assessment. It has the following uses: Staff Selection, Personal Development and Staff Retention.


  • HDS®– Hogan Development Survey: The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) works with the above HPI assessment to measure the ‘Dark Side’ of personality.  These are aspects of personality that under normal circumstances are strengths but in times of stress, tiredness or complacency can be reputation damaging.


      • Tests generate a report and a feedback process. These tests are often offered in combination with attendance on a coaching programme or bespoke development programme.
Logical Reasoning Tests DCo

Reasoning Tests

These tests fall into the category of abillity tests and are standardised ways of assessing how well people typically perform in varying work tasks or react in different situations. They have the advantage of measuring potential rather than simply academic performance, and are often used to make predictions about how people will perform in a particular work setting.


Candidates’ results are scored by comparing their performance with the results of others who have done the same assessments. They are particularly useful in areas such as graduate recruitment or other situations where applicants may have little relevant job experience, as capability tests reliably indicate the potential of applicants to acquire the skills vital to an organisation’s success.


They are a way of establishing a person’s natural talent for a particular type of work which you can then develop.


We offer a full range of Reasoning Tests which are well established measures of a person’s mental capability. These tests are concerned with a person’s logical reasoning or thinking performance. They are available for different levels from school leavers through to experienced professionals and senior managers. We work with approved providers to offer a range of options in the areas of:


        • Verbal Reasoning: Assessing the ability to comprehend key messages and logical inferences contained in written information


        • Numerical Reasoning: Tests the ability to use numerical information to solve problems


        • Abstract Reasoning: Measures lateral thinking skills or fluid intelligence. It is concerned with assessing the ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data and apply it to solve problems


        • Memory and Attention: Measures the ability to follow many simple instructions simultaneously and remain effective. It measures mental speed, accuracy, memory, decisiveness and decision making efficiency. Use to assess the ability to hold instructions in short term memory and apply them quickly and accurately.


        • Decision Analysis: This measures the accuracy of decisions made as well as the risk profile of a person. Use to assess decision making ability when information is complex and ambiguous.


Tests are conducted online and individuals receive a feedback report which outlines their areas of strength and ideas for development. These tests are often offered in combination and results can be used alongside other recruitment processes to gain a more complete picture of a candidate’s ability to perform a role.  

Dealing With Transition

Motivation and Interest Tests

These tests fall within the category of aptitude tests.  These tests are standardised ways of assessing how people typically react in different situations. We offer interest and motivation tests which are useful for individuals looking to explore their future career direction.


Tests are offered for:

      • Career Interest: An assessment used to explore career interests, competencies and work styles. It is designed for exploration and guidance at the beginning of career path selection.


      • Values Indicator: An assessment of why values are important to a person’s energy and motivation. This test will assess the complex map of values and motives relevant to today’s society.


      • Resilience: This tool can be used to profile people being selected for high pressure roles and can also be used to understand personality traits and the way people react to difficult or challenging experiences.


      • Learning Styles Indicator: A measurement tool to understand your personal learning preferences using the model of Psychological Type and understand how to make the most of environments that do not match personal preferences.