We asked DCo Client Relationship Manager Indira Das eight questions about her relationship with networking, including any hints and tips she could give people trying to expand their network or improve their networking abilities.
- Is networking a big part of your role?
- What is your definition of networking?
Being curious and interested in the people I meet and finding out about them through asking lots of questions, with the ultimate aim of a beneficial action.
- How can someone improve their networking ability?
Be genuinely open and interested, ask questions, provide your contact details, and connect with them so that you can contact them easily in future.
- What’s your best ‘getting to know someone’ question?
I don’t have a one size fits all question; it very much depends on the situation. In a more formal setting, ‘what are you hoping to achieve from attending this event?’ is a nice opener, and ‘who here can you introduce me to?’ works really well.
- What are your best networking strategies or tips?
Smile, and make the first move – someone has to, so it might as well be you. View networking as part of life. Networking sounds difficult, but it’s really just communicating with others, and it works just as well outside of work; social events, such as weddings, are great networking opportunities. If you see someone on their own, go and introduce yourself.
- Why is networking so important?
We live in such a dynamic world, and networking is a great way of engaging with, making the most of, and really enjoying the dynamic landscape around us. Networking is not just about what we can get – be generous and make introductions that benefit others too.
- What was your best networking experience?
Getting my job at DCo, which happened through maintaining my network connections. In fact, all my job offers in the past 15 years have been through knowing people and being recommended – not filling in job application forms. When people say, ‘I thought of you’ or ‘do you know someone who…?’ then your networks are working.
- What is the biggest networking mistake someone could make?
Making any form of assumption – keep an open mind, talk to people and see where it takes you. What could be more exciting?
For more information on networking, or to book one of our networking development programmes, get in touch with our friendly team today: 01437 721879.