Candidate Selection

DCo can support you in making selection decisions.  The following recruitment services for candidate selection are available through DCo to ensure that you select the right people for your organisation:

Assessment Centres DCo

Assessment Centres

Assessment Centres are an objective method of selection.  They are generally one day in duration and follow a sifting process undertaken by online testing, application form,  submissions or first round interviews.

DCo design a bespoke process that will include a series of assessment exercises designed to test candidates suitability for the role and the competencies it requires.


We are rigorous in the planning and adminstration of each Assessment Centre process.  It is a pressured format that we ensure runs seamlessly and reflects your organisation and the impression you want to make on candidates.


The Assessment Centre process is observed assessment and we welcome the involvement of internal observation teams to support the selection.  DCo train observers from within your organisation to undertake this critical role successfully.


Bespoke Assessment Centres are the most popular of our recruitment services for candidate selection because of their objective assessment linked directly to the competencies and behaviours you need to see for a specific role.

Personality Tests DCo

Psychometric Testing

DCo can provide Personality Tests and Reasoning Tests to support making selection decisions and sifting applicants.


Personality Tests

Personality can play a large part in an individual’s success at work.  DCo can provide assessment of candidates that will help determine how well a person is going to fit in with your organisation in terms of their personality, attitude and general work style.


Personality tests typically measure traits related to behaviour at work, interpersonal interactions, and satisfaction with different aspects of work.  They can be very beneficial for senior management and leadership roles.


Reasoning Tests

These tests fall into the category of ability test are standardised ways of assessing how well people typically perform in varying work situations.  They have the advantage of measuring potential rather than simply academic performance adn are often used to make predictions about how people will perform in a particular work setting.


Candidates are scored by comparing their performance with the results of others who have done the same assessment.  They are particularly useful in areas such as graduate recruitment or other situations where applicants may have little relevant job experience.


DCo offer a full range of reasoning tests which are well established measures of a person’s mental capability.  These tests are concerned with a person’s logical reasoning or thinking performance.  They are available for different levels from school leavers through to experienced professionals and senior managers.


Tests are conducted online and individuals receive a feedback report which outlines their areas of strength and ideas for development.

Interview Skills Training Development

Interview Skills

Interviewing forms an important part in any selection process and is usually the last stage in your decision making for a role.


DCo prepare people to undertake effective, consistent interview processes according to the selection decisions you need to make.


We can support you with the preparation of interview questions and explore how to ensure you competently assess the skills, experience and cultural fit of candidates.


We can also sit on your interview panel and support your internal process.  This can be useful when you want to include an external perspective and ensures that you have an experienced facilitator to support the objective comparison of candidates and achieve the balanced consensus of the panel.