Critical Management Skills

DCo will design a bespoke Management Programme to suit your requirements.


The following critical skills are often requested to improve management skills and performance:

Delegation Training Development

Delegation Skills

Delegation Skills is one area that we are regularly asked to build into bespoke management programmes.


We specialise in addressing areas of inconsistent management.  Learning how to effectively delegate and empower others to stretch and hone their skills to improve team performance brings tangible business benefits.

Candid Feedback Programme Training

Holding Difficult

Managers have to hold difficult conversations, deliver hard messages and provide honest and candid feedback if they are to effectively motivate, measure and support their team.


Being candid with others, and understanding how to adapt to situations requires practise and managers benefit from the opportunity to learn pragmatic tools and techniques that enable them to confidently deliver challenging management communications.

Coaching Skills Training Development

Coaching & Motivating Others

The benefits of understanding motivation factors within a team and being able to stretch and engage individuals is invaluable for managers.


Developing individuals through coaching aligns with leveraging motivation levels and is an essential tool for achieving business goals.  Managers who coach demonstrate the value of supporting and developing others and it is a key way to motivate and  retain talent in your business.

Performance Training Development

Performance Management Skills

People Management skills are directly linked to performance levels.


Being inspirational in the way performance is measured helps managers embed a culture of continuous improvement within their team.


We link this element of a manager’s toolkit to your organisation’s performance review processes whilst also providing managers with the skills and confidence to handle poor performance, hold high quality conversations that recognise and challenge performance and set stretching objectives for individuals and teams.

Team Culture DCO

Team Culture & Performance

Team dynamics can take a lot of a manager’s time and energy especially when engagement is lacking or conflict exists.


Ensuring your managers are equipped with the skills to understand the different personalities that make up their team and how to establish a team culture that maximises engagement and performance levels is an important factor for many management development processes.

Leadership Management Leaderment DCo


Managing does not exist in isolation of leadership.


Managers have to balance management and leadership skills all the time to be effective and we explore the blend of these two skills in many management programmes to develop the best responses to different management situations.


If you have managers who need to increase their ability in one of these areas or lack the experience to know when and how to move from managing to leading this subject is an essential element to address the balance and merger that makes for effective management.