Manufacturing Leadership Programme

DCo’s strength is in collaborating with our clients on the very greatest business challenges that they face. This leadership programme case study is one example of how we work.

A large proportion of our clients are in manufacturing and engineering businesses and skills gaps at all levels in these organisations have the capacity to limit productivity and economic growth.

DCo work on designing tailored solutions that will deliver a real change in behaviour and skills and address the exact requirement rather than a generic approach to a development need.

An example of this is the supplier relationship we have developed with Johnson Matthey who contracted us to design a solution that addressed their leadership gap within manufacturing.

In recent years the organisation faced a critical shortage of good leaders across its global sites; it had individuals with technical skills but lacking the softer skills required for these leadership positions.

We devised an ambitious goal with JM to develop cohorts of potential leaders across its global operations by investing in a 12-18 month development process that merged manufacturing function (50%) development with leadership development (50%).

The merged approach is a point of difference for this programme and involves co-delivery, site visits and CSR projects, coaching and assessment.

Taloja Leadership Case Study Training DCo

Leadership Programme Case Study – In The Client’s Words

‘The programme is designed to promote how exciting and stimulating a manufacturing career in Johnson Matthey can be. The reality is that GMLP has transformed the way we develop people.
What sets it apart is it is the first time we have blended function with leadership.

The transformation in leadership skills of the participants has been very evident. At JM, we are good at the technical aspects but can sometimes be too technical. DCo have been highly effective in providing the critical soft skills development, such as taking risks, problem-solving, networking skills and building courage in having the difficult conversations you need to have.

In all my years of involvement in receiving and delivering development, this is truly the best I’ve been involved in so far.’