Excellence In Customer Service Standards

Every business strives to achieve excellence in customer service standards.  DCo will design a bespoke Customer Service Programme to suit your exact requirements.


The following areas are often requested in programmes to improve customer care standards:

Excellence In Customer Interactions

How your employees interact with your customers is at the root of the impression your customers receive of your company.


We specialise in addressing the practical application of customer service skills. Learning how to effectively build rapport with customers, practise listening and questioning techniques to accurately understand their needs and be confident when handling challenging customer communications are all areas that bring immediate results.


We design programmes that are tailored to the specific needs of your business.

Customer Service Sales Skills Secret Shopper DCo

Secret Shopper Experience

Not all dissatisfied customers will complain to you directly.  Most will however share their experience with their network.


If you require insight into your customer experience in any area of your business, a ‘mystery shopper’ approach is an excellent format to help you understand your areas of excellence and how to drive even greater brand alignment.


The DCo Mystery Shopper experience is designed in partnership with you.  We will focus analysis on your key areas and design relevant development initiatives to support the outcomes of the process.

Customer Service Sales Skills DCo

Handling Telephone Calls With Customers

Providing the same level of customer service on the telephone as when having a face to face interactions, requires your call handlers to bridge the gap that exists when body language can not be read.


Your customers will make their judgements on the words your employees use during every telephone exchange.  They need to be well practised in handling a range of situations and be ready to react and respond appropriately to provide excellent customer care.


We design programmes that are specifically aimed at developing anyone who is involved in speaking to customers on the telephone.


Customer Service Sales Skills DCo

Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service standards are led from the top of an organisation and require a clear vision.


Establishing or refining your customer service strategy to ensure that customers receive a positive experience of your brand begins with outlining your vision of customer excellence and understanding what makes customer loyal to a brand.


When your leaders establish a plan to achieve this vision it provides a clear format to communicate it to the business and outlines team goals for its achievement.


DCo are able to support you with identifying ways to improve your customer service standards and can develop your leadership capability in this area.