Personal effectiveness helps us to achieve high performance. One of the things we dislike the most is when other people waste our time, whether that’s someone driving especially slowly in front of you, waiting in a long queue, or waiting for a cashier who is unable to scan the barcode on your item.

At the end of the day, when you’re left with much of your ‘To Do’ list still to be tackled, looking for where those precious minutes were lost, it is usually external forces which are the easiest to blame. But is it actually those things which were out of your control responsible for this, or is it you? There will always be bad traffic, long queues and faulty barcodes, but it’s the lost opportunities and time you’ve wasted that are truly to blame.

Struggling with time management is a common issue, and many find that there never seems to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you set out to do.

However, with a bit of skill, you can squeeze a few more productive hours out of every day.

Our Personal Effectiveness development programmes will help you feel more confident in your ability to get things done more efficiently and to feel more comfortable planning ahead to make the most of every waking hour.

Example Development Programme Content

Although our service is totally bespoke to meet your organisation’s specific requirements, to give you a taste of what we do, our Personal Effectiveness development programmes in the past have typically included:

  • Understanding how to be personally productive
  • Identifying the impact of time-wasting activities and interrupters on productivity
  • Clarity on how participants can better manage their time
  • Recognising how to set measurable, appropriate goals
  • Gaining confidence in managing an increasing workload
  • Refining ability to deal with stress by prioritising ‘to do’ lists
  • Understanding personal strengths and areas of challenge
  • Exploring personal circles of influence
  • Developing participants’ ability to say ‘no’
  • Establishing how to overcome procrastination, improve concentration and develop self-discipline