Why Performance Management Matters

We regularly see the benefits for organisations who have achieved a continuous approach to performance management. They record improved employee engagement levels in staff surveys, lower absence rates and higher retention rates.


Despite these trends, all too many managers still have a negative impression of performance management and use the performance review meeting as the sole opportunity for a formal discussion with individuals about their achievements and development.

What To Avoid

We work with many managers who see it as a necessary paper exercise but don’t extend it the time or preparation it requires.


This approach to performance management fails to recognise the value of making it more regular and spontaneous than this.


When it is not a continuous process, employees can often have a fear of their Performance Development Reviews because for many it is the first feedback they will receive and it can often present surprises for this reason.

How We Can Help

We provide managers with the skills and confidence to hold performance conversations as part of their regular interactions with staff.


Providing managers with techniques, structure and enabling them to identify appropriate opportunities for support, ahead of formal review meetings increases both performance levels and relationships.


A bespoke programme can cost as little as £150 per delegate per day.

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