Resilience and Stress Awareness Programmes

DCo will design bespoke Resilience and Stress Awareness Programmes to suit your requirements, focus and audience.


The following examples of core subjects are often requested to improve stress management, stress awareness and resilience training in staff:

Stress Awareness Training DCo

Stress Awareness For Managers

DCo provide resilience and stress awareness programmes for managers.

Organisations require managers to understand and act upon their responsibilities in regard to the wellbeing of their team and to actively promote an environment and culture that is supportive yet suitably challenging.

Getting the balance right between stretching team members to achieve their potential and targets whilst maintaining healthy stress levels is often an area that managers lack experience and confidence in handling.

DCo has developed a model of Stress Awareness that is easy to transfer to the workplace and acts as a valuable management tool.  We recognised that being able to classify risk factors according to the work environment was essential for managers to confidently identify and support members of their team.

Stress awareness training for managers can help them to:

  • Identify their current areas of strength and development in terms of demonstrating the responsibility to stress management within their role
  • Understand what stress is and gain an awareness of the impact it has on self and others
  • Develop a clear understanding of the different levels of stress within their work environment and identify how to reduce areas of unacceptable stress
  • Understand the legal requirements of employers in relation to stress management
  • Explore techniques and tools to manage stress and the causes of it
Resilience DCo

Building Resilience and Proactivity

Resilience is a requirement of all organisations and their employees.  Being resilient is likely to be a desired competency in most job roles and it is attainable by everyone.

Whilst some people demonstrate a natural resilience it is not something that you either have or don’t have.  Most employees benefit from time spent developing and honing it as a skill and understanding how to build up their personal resilience levels.

We design programmes that focus on the coping mechanisms required to demonstrate resiliency in a variety of work situations. These programmes can build self awareness, provide the ability to recognise and manage energy levels and motivation factors, explore mindsets and the role of positive thinking and influence as well as building supportive relationships that can be an equally essential factor in coping.

Outcomes of this type of programme include participants:

  • Understanding the effect and implications of challenge and difficult situations for you
  • Exploring the ways to develop appropriate and positive responses to challenge and stress in the workplace
  • Evaluate the benefit of different strategies for their workplace challenges and practise demonstrating resilient attitudes and behaviours
Wellbeing DCo

Prioritising Wellbeing and Achieving Balance

The ability of employees to balance their workload and achieve effective ways of working during times of challenge and stress brings clear benefits.

We are often approached by organisations who want to improve the support they give to employees who are experiencing a degree of imbalance as a result of the facing changes within their role, structure or systems.

We design bespoke programmes that address the real issues and challenges that your workforce, leaders or managers are handling.  There are skills and behaviours that we can all develop to improve our sense of wellbeing and achieve greater balance.

People’s sense of wellbeing and balance can come from a number of factors, and within the workplace this is often linked to whether people have a sense of purpose and meaning, feel valued and have access to clear opportunities for growth and recognition. It is also linked to how in control people feel and how effectively they feel that they can manage their time and influence outcomes.

Understanding and being able to influence the factors that are important for wellbeing and balance help people to feel more positive, experience lower negative stress levels, establish supportive relationships and fulfil their potential at work.