Mastering Management Fundamentals

Starting 21st October 2024

The Mastering Management Fundamentals Open Programme enables anybody, at any level of management, to reflect upon and develop their people management skill-set, in an immersive and refreshingly different development format.

This programme is designed with management success and performance in mind.

It will provide the most benefit to people who are currently employed in a management role.

Covering Mastery of 5 Core Areas of Management :

  • Module One

    Personal Management

    Management Style

    Personal Brand

    Feedback Mastery

  • Module 2

    Team Management

    Behavioural Preferences

    Relationships and Interactions


  • Module 3

    Team Development

    Influence and Mindsets


    Psychological Safety

  • null

    Performance Management


    Planning and Objectives

    Performance Reviews

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    Management Communication

    Emotional Intelligence

    Message Management

    Remote and Hybrid Communication

Book your place to be part of this five-part online experience.

Enabling managers to be more successful by improving the results and performance that they are able to get from others.

When you step on to the 5 Module Online Programme you will:

  1. Undertake A Personality Assessment:
    An online questionnaire that will measure your behavioural preferences in the workplace.
  2. Receive A Personalised Report:
    Explaining your personality style, what your profile means for you and the relationships that you naturally have with other people.
  3. Have Access To A Management Expert:
    You will take participate in five one-day development modules led by an experienced Management Consultant.You will be guided beyond the theory and will be supported to step outside of your comfort zone to refine your management skills and their application.
    Your Consultant will work with you to provide both feedback and direction to identify how you can improve your people management success through the application of new behaviours and skills.
  4. Be Part Of A Diverse Cohort of Managers:
    You will progress through the programme with a cohort of like-minded managers from a range of backgrounds and business.  The sessions build the importance of this network into the learning forum and the programme’s development opportunities enable managers to share and explore their experiences together as well as receiving personalised support and feedback.
  5. Achieve Actionable Improvement:
    The five modules provide a clear focus on management performance and improvement in five core areas. You will achieve tangible and transferable skills to apply in your role for actionable improvement.

This programme will give you the practical tools and insight to be able to make changes and directly improve your people management skills.

  • You Will Gain:
    Better results by giving relevant feedback in different situations and will be confident of the response you receive.
  • You Will Understand:
    Your preferences and know your strengths, and most importantly you will know how to shortcut your way to better interactions and results.
  • You Will Be Able To:
    Empower and develop others to collectively achieve greater performance levels.

Take A Look At The Programme Objectives

As a result of attending the Mastering Management Fundamentals Programme you will:

  • Identify your line management responsibilities and challenges

  • Explore your personal management style and how to adapt it

  • Receive a DiSC behavioural preferences profile report and recognise your areas of strength and weakness

  • Be able to prioritise and manage time effectively

  • Practise the skills that are necessary for effective team management and motivation

  • Explore tools to support remote team management

  • Demonstrate delegation skills and be able to set objectives and expectations for others

  • Practise coaching skills to increase performance levels

  • Refine your personal impact and your ability to influence others

  • Understand how to give effective feedback and deliver difficult messages

  • Explore how to manage the performance of others and understand how to run an effective performance development review

Limited to 12 people per Cohort


We limit attendee numbers because the programme is high intensity.

This means we are able to get to know you, we can personalise the experience you have on the programme and make sure you maximise your learning.

Join the Mastering Management Fundamentals Programme today for £2480 (inclusive of VAT)

Price includes attendance on 5 one-day live virtual sessions held once a month, pre-programme psychometric DiSC assessment and a personalised report.

DCo have been providing impactful solutions to improve people’s success at work for over twenty years.


What we do for companies of all sizes and individuals within them always lights a spark and achieve changes in behaviour and performance.

We love moving people past mediocre performance, giving you those ‘aha’ moments because that is when you really start to re-energise your passion to learn new things, step up to new challenges that are outside of your comfort zone and do things differently.  That is what drives us to do what we do.

We Love What We Do And We Are Excited To See You Join Us

The programme is designed to maximise your management capability. You may be an experienced manager or in the early stages of your management career, but if you want to have more control of your success, achieve better results, have better interactions and communications then the Mastering Management Fundamentals Programme will deliver those outcomes.

If you are in a management role and seeking to stretch and refine your skills and performance then the programme will provide you with tangible results.

If you are not currently employed in a management role, or if you are not open to being stretched by an immersive group development experience, then the Mastering Management Fundamentals Programme will have less relevance to your performance improvement and we would recommend that you consider alternative development options.

Previous attendees have had various reasons for signing up, including:

  • Managers whose teams have shifted to hybrid or remote working and they felt like they needed refreshed skills to handle the new challenges that this dynamic gave the team
  • Managers who were promoted based on their expertise and years of experience in their discipline but who found people management outside of their natural strengths
  • Managers who just sought to increase their awareness and confidence outside of day-to-day pressures
  • New managers who wanted to gain a strong foundation in management without having to trust their gut instinct or escalate issues that they felt inexperienced to handle

12 Spaces Available

Book Today To Get Started

You will be directed to our Booking Portal where you can review the upcoming programme dates and confirm your place.

We’re excited to welcome you to the programme.

What Happens When I Book?

  1. You will select the dates for the five online modules and you will receive calendar holders and zoom links for these by email.
  2. Ahead of the first module you will be sent your invitation to complete your personality assessment.  You will want to set aside at least 30 minutes of interrupted time to complete the questionnaire following the instructions provided.
  3. You will receive your results in a personalised report during the programme and you will be able to review the outcomes of the assessment and begin to learn about your personality style and how you interact with others in the workplace.
  4. You will experience five monthly one-day sessions in a cohort of no more than 12 other delegates all of which will be led by your Management Consultant.  You will cover five core areas for management success in an interactive and immersive format that will stretch your management behaviours and skills in a supportive, honest learning environment. 
  5. You will start a development plan for success in these core areas and will be given feedback and guidance for improvement throughout as well as access to resources on our online portal.
  6. At the end of your fifth and final development session you will have a clear plan for continued progression and access to your consultant for any on-going questions and dialogue.  You will also be encouraged to maintain the network that you will have built with the cohort.
  7. On completion of the five modules, you will step off the programme as one of Mastering Management Fundamentals graduates and receive a certificate marking your achievement as well as the opportunity to sign up to receive our updates and latest thinking on all things management and leadership.

What People Say About Their Development Experience With Us