As businesses strive for higher productivity, the importance of fostering a mentally healthy work environment cannot be overstated. Mental wellness is a process that we engage with proactively for better or worse. The main characteristics of mental well-being are: Mental well-being is all about how we interact with ourselves and others. It also includes what we do and don’t do …
Obstacles or Opportunities? The Theory of Challenge
The theory of challenge refers to the idea that individuals or systems grow, adapt, and improve when faced with challenges or obstacles. This theory is often seen in psychology, education, business, and even evolutionary biology. Everyone is defensive to some degree when challenged. Exposure to different types of obstacles shapes new ways of thinking, preventing you from falling into a stale creativity …
The 7 Deadly Sins of Training Delivery (and How to Fix Them)
Everyone’s had a dull training experience, and the sceptics out there probably believe there’s a limit to its effectiveness in truly engaging individuals or teams. Of course, we know that to be total fiction. Great corporate training can be an exciting new experience that restructures the way every level of an organisation operates with other people, whether they’re customers, stakeholders, …
Stress Testing is the New 2025 Corporate Training Trend
If you have found this article, it is most likely that you have attended corporate training before. The kind where a trainer reads 87 slides of text while you practice the fine art of looking interested? Yeah, that’s one of the most common responses that we get from our clients and certainly one of our biggest pet peeves. Why? Because …
Workplace Conflict? Here’s How to Deal with Difficult People
In the intricate labyrinth of the workplace, encountering difficult individuals is almost inevitable. These are the colleagues or clients who, intentionally or not, add an extra layer of challenge to your professional life. But who exactly are these “difficult people”, what fuels their challenging behaviour and why are they causing conflict in your workplace? Defining the ‘Difficult’ A “difficult person” …
The New Resilience: Thriving Through Change In Work And Life
Resilience. It is the buzzword of the modern workplace, the trait that every job description and leadership seminar promote as essential. But what does it really mean to be resilient? And is it truly the magic ingredient for success in both our personal and professional lives? Let’s explore what resilience demands, how it benefits us, and why it might not …
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The role of today’s leaders is made more complex by the current business environment. We live and work in a world that is changing at a pace that is hard to predict. Organisations and the leaders within them are having to adapt more quickly and be more agile than ever before. It is no longer enough to just be a …
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Question: What is the most powerful tool that a manager can use? Answer: The question! Questioning employees on a regular basis is a surprisingly simple and effective management tool that is often overlooked or sidetracked in a busy work environment. At DCo, we love to question and challenge each other on a daily basis. It doesn’t stop and start at …