challenge, learning and development, obstacle, growth, develop,

Obstacles or Opportunities? The Theory of Challenge

Gracie DaviesAttitude, Communication, Leadership, Management, Organisational Culture

The theory of challenge refers to the idea that individuals or systems grow, adapt, and improve when faced with challenges or obstacles. This theory is often seen in psychology, education, business, and even evolutionary biology. Everyone is defensive to some degree when challenged. Exposure to different types of obstacles shapes new ways of thinking, preventing you from falling into a stale creativity …

Executive Coaching: Thriving in a VUCA World

Gracie DaviesBusiness, Leadership, Management, Succession Planning, Talent Retention Leave a Comment

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, executive coaching is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. The challenges of hybrid work, market disruptions, and the demand for purpose-driven leadership require executives to refine their skills continuously. A personalised coaching journey offers a structured timeframe, fosters accountability, and adapts to the unique needs of each leader. What is Executive Coaching? Executive coaching …

training delivery, learning and development, consultancy, L&D, leadership development, management, silo mentality, conflict management, communication

The 7 Deadly Sins of Training Delivery (and How to Fix Them)

Gracie DaviesAttitude, Business, Change Management

Everyone’s had a dull training experience, and the sceptics out there probably believe there’s a limit to its effectiveness in truly engaging individuals or teams. Of course, we know that to be total fiction. Great corporate training can be an exciting new experience that restructures the way every level of an organisation operates with other people, whether they’re customers, stakeholders, …

conflict, conflict management, organisational,

Workplace Conflict? Here’s How to Deal with Difficult People

victoriaAttitude, Attitude, Business, Communication, Leadership, Management

In the intricate labyrinth of the workplace, encountering difficult individuals is almost inevitable. These are the colleagues or clients who, intentionally or not, add an extra layer of challenge to your professional life. But who exactly are these “difficult people”, what fuels their challenging behaviour and why are they causing conflict in your workplace?  Defining the ‘Difficult’   A “difficult person” …

Investing in Employees is the Smartest Decision You’ll Make

DCo BloggerBusiness, Experiential Learning, Organisational Culture

Henry Ford famously said, “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” His words remain relevant today, as investing in employees’ development is one of the most impactful strategies for business success. Whether you’re looking to attract top talent, improve productivity, or boost company culture, putting your employees …