ai, automated intelligence, efficiency, delivery, business, organisation, people

AI and the Elusive Nature of the Ideal Solution: Here’s what you need to know

Gracie DaviesBusiness, Change Management, Leadership, Management

In today’s competitive job market, over 50% of job applicants admit to lying or exaggerating during the hiring process (according to research from HireRight and CareerBuilder). With this in mind, companies are increasingly turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve the hiring process and ensure they find the best candidates. In this week’s article, we delve into how AI is reshaping recruitment and …

mental wellness, mental well-being, development, mental health, mental well being

Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace: Create Healthier Workplaces 2025

Gracie DaviesBusiness

As businesses strive for higher productivity, the importance of fostering a mentally healthy work environment cannot be overstated. Mental wellness is a process that we engage with proactively for better or worse. The main characteristics of mental well-being are: Mental well-being is all about how we interact with ourselves and others. It also includes what we do and don’t do …

stress testing, what is stress testing, dco, learning and development

Stress Testing is the New 2025 Corporate Training Trend

Gracie DaviesAttitude

If you have found this article, it is most likely that you have attended corporate training before. The kind where a trainer reads 87 slides of text while you practice the fine art of looking interested? Yeah, that’s one of the most common responses that we get from our clients and certainly one of our biggest pet peeves. Why? Because …

conflict, conflict management, organisational,

Workplace Conflict? Here’s How to Deal with Difficult People

victoriaAttitude, Attitude, Business, Communication, Leadership, Management

In the intricate labyrinth of the workplace, encountering difficult individuals is almost inevitable. These are the colleagues or clients who, intentionally or not, add an extra layer of challenge to your professional life. But who exactly are these “difficult people”, what fuels their challenging behaviour and why are they causing conflict in your workplace?  Defining the ‘Difficult’   A “difficult person” …

How Experiential Learning Drives Skill Development and Employee Engagement

Gracie DaviesAttitude

Most our learning experiences throughout life from Primary to Higher Education will have been a passive one. Experiential Learning is an active learning experience that encourages individuals to be present psychologically as well as physically. This process is specific and designed to engage the individual as well as the team as a whole (if applicable). What is experiential learning? Experiential …

VUCA Leadership DCo


DCo BloggerBusiness, Change Management, Leadership, Management

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The role of today’s leaders is made more complex by the current business environment. We live and work in a world that is changing at a pace that is hard to predict. Organisations and the leaders within them are having to adapt more quickly and be more agile than ever before. It is no longer enough to just be a …