In the intricate labyrinth of the workplace, encountering difficult individuals is almost inevitable. These are the colleagues or clients who, intentionally or not, add an extra layer of challenge to your professional life. But who exactly are these “difficult people”, what fuels their challenging behaviour and why are they causing conflict in your workplace? Defining the ‘Difficult’ A “difficult person” …
Business Storytelling 101: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
In today’s ever-evolving business world, business storytelling has emerged as a pivotal tool for companies aiming to connect deeply with their audiences. But what does storytelling in business entail, and why has it become so indispensable? Understanding Storytelling in Business At its core, business storytelling involves crafting narratives that convey a company’s values, mission, and vision in a relatable manner. …
Assessment Centres: Your New Secret Weapon
Imagine recruiting without the guesswork. You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive, right? Hiring employees is no different. Welcome to the world of assessment centres – the ultimate way to see how candidates actually perform, not just how they tell you they would. What is an Assessment Centre and Who Uses Them? An assessment centre is …
Positive Disruption: Innovate your Training Experience
The Development Company (DCo) was founded in 1999. Back then there was a large gap in the L&D industry. In fact, that gap remains largely unfilled – where are all the bespoke, disruptive, and authentic learning and development experiences? Positive Disruption Positive disruption in the context of learning and development (L&D) refers to intentional, innovative changes that challenge the status quo of how …
How to Achieve Team Resilience
Many organisations place importance on the ability of their employees to demonstrate resilience. There is no doubt that resilience is a desirable competency in individuals, but in our experience having individuals who can also achieve team resilience, is perhaps of even greater importance. This is because team resilience is a factor that is present in all high-functioning teams, and it …
Hybrid Teams: How to Overcome Top Challenges
Explore what it takes to achieve optimum performance of a hybrid team