Develop Your Employees

We offer residential programmes, ranging from two days to two weeks, to help your leaders, managers, graduates, apprentices or teams improve vital skills and achieve a shift in their awareness and performance.


These are highly intensive and challenging development solutions, designed to address your organisation’s specific needs. The programmes incorporate real and relevant scenarios so the learning is directly applicable to your workplace.


DCo have the benefit of our own residential facility located in the beautiful Pembrokeshire National Park.  It provides access to significant local resources to deliver experiential programmes that are different, challenging and memorable.  A residential course based at Newgale Lodge takes delegates out of their workplaces and homes, away from their day-to-day routines and stresses and into unfamiliar territory.  This backdrop makes our residential programmes more intense and immersive; it ensures that we design programmes that are experience led and this form of experiential learning achieves sustainable change that is retained and impacts the future performance of individuals and teams.


Our design is bespoke so we can advise and co-ordinate a range of experiential learning experiences including outdoor activities, teamwork development projects, challenge scenarios or longer residential development programmes.

Discover More About Our Residential Facility

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