Things To Never Say In A Presentation DCo

Five Things To Never Say In A Presentation

DCo BloggerBusiness, Communication, Presentation Skills

Inspired by a presentation I have just attended, here are some classic examples of “how not to do it”:

1) You won’t be able to read the detail on this slide

… so why is it there? Is this Mission Impossible?

2) Sorry, this isn’t my presentation

… who are you and what are you doing here?

3) I won’t go into this too much

… so why go into it at all? Is it relevant or isn’t it?

4) I will just skip the next few slides

… are you in a hurry or did someone put them in there by mistake?

5) This presentation is out of date

… can I go now please?

Oration really does seem to be a disappearing art. As a trainer, the best advice I was ever given is “lose the PowerPoint”. Whatever happened to just standing up and talking to people?

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